How to Pray for People During Hard Times
The total person Filter
A tool for developing Positive Sentiment Override and restoring Fondness, Admiration and Love for others.
Prayer is perfect for couples, because it is binary, it works in two directions at once. As we invoke the power, grace and metamorphosis of the Lord for our partner, God at the same time works transformation in us - softening our hearts and deepending our love for those for whom we pray. The Counselor (Holy Spirit) works our heart in ways humans cannot.
Consider and intercede in prayer for your partner in these aspects of their life:
Occupationally & financially
Consider and intercede in prayer for these needs of your partner’s:
Safety & Security
Acceptance & Belonging
Comfort, Nurture & Recognition
Love & Respect
New Experiences, Growth & Successes
Freedom from guilt & shame
*concept from The lifestyle of healthy leaders: Integrating Spiritual Formation and Leadership Development by Dr. Charles Miller (also titled: The Spiritual Formation of Leaders), modified here by Dr. Doug Burford.