Either of the following Gottman Institute seminars can be hosted by your church or organization.
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is a live presentation for couples of the research findings of Dr. John Gottman, founder of The Gottman Institute (TGI), University of Washington, Seattle. Dr. Gottman is in a class of his own as a multiple-award-winning researcher of relationships. He has authored nearly two hundred academic articles and over forty books on marriage and relationships, including the accessible condensation of his findings in the New York Times Bestseller, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. In this practical, interactive seminar couples will learn the six patterns that destroy relationships (and their antidotes) and the seven principles he observed in strong, lasting, loving relationships.
What sets apart Dr. Gottman is that he has applied scientific rigor to the longitudinal study of more than four thousand couples over four decades. His research findings are so true-to-life that he can observe a couple in conflict for as little as fifteen minutes and predict with over 90% accuracy whether they will divorce—unless their patterns change.
Likewise, he can spot a coupe whose interactions—even under stress—predict a long and satisfied marriage, if their healthy patterns are maintained.
The practicality of his findings have made Dr. Gottman the most quoted author on marriage by other authors on marriage.
During this practical seminar, you will learn through lecture, discussion, and private couple exercises the patterns of interaction that distinguish “Master Couples” from “Disaster Couples,” and how to pattern your relationship on those of the masters.
Participant takeaways:
“Knowing & seeing all couples have similar issues & there are ways to reverse bad patterns.”
“Learning helpful phrases such as: “help me understand.”
“Thinking about things I fell in love with in my spouse can turn negative plus vice versa”
“The content was great. Very professional facilitation. Lots of forethought (handouts w/ file folder, great setup with AV, nice song selection for the breaks, etc.) and lots of takeaway tools to make the principles practical.”
“Perspective of ‘it is us against the issue’ is a takeaway to bring focus & clarity.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed this seminar/workshop. Many good resources and information to help gain understanding of what is behind the conflict and how my husband is wired differently than me.”
“A non-emotional way to deal with conflict. Maybe gave us a way to start again.”
“Gaining wording for felt tensions/experiences that lacked words.”
“…all the resources to take with us to help keep us focused on maintaining a positive focus in our marriage.”
“Scientific reasoning and physiological explanations of how we go through different emotions.”
“I was encouraged that we are on the path to a long, loving relationship and have more tools (love map) that can help us continue to learn about each other.”
“Understanding points of view and asking: “how can I understand you better?”
The Bringing Baby Home workshop (BBH) is a two-day program of The Gottman Institute (University of Washington, Seattle).
The BBH curriculum helps couples face and overcome in a healthy way the new stressors and challenges they will encounter as they transition to parenthood. This highly acclaimed program combines lecture, multi-media tools, interactive exercises, and discussion among parents and presenter.
What participants will bring home from the training:
What to expect and how to prepare for the transition to parenthood.
Useful tips on how to strengthen their relationship, and help to effectively manage stress and conflict.
The signs of postpartum depression and mood disorders, and how to recognize and respond to these in the relationship.
The emotional and psychological needs of a child.
A plan for keeping both parents involved in parenting.
A BBH workbook, including recently added content on temperaments, self-regulation, emotion coaching, recent research, and involvement of parents, and incorporation of parenting and relationship skills.
BBH Card Decks related to: Love MapsLove Maps for Couples with KidsOpen-Ended QuestionsFather CardsSoftened Start-Up and Expressing Needs
These resources are designed to help couples learn strategies and skills to enable a successful transition to parenthood.
About The Gottman Institute
The Bringing Baby Home Program® and The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Program® are operated under the auspices of The Gottman Institute (TGI.) Co-founded by Drs. John and Julie Gottman, TGI is an internationally renowned organization dedicated to researching and restoring relationships. TGI provides workshops, trainings and tools for couples, families and professionals. The Gottman Method is based upon Dr. John Gottman’s four decades of research with over 5,000 couples.